San Benedetto in Piscinula

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1a473648 PICT0108 1d967584 1b243867

2f349803 2a483927 2d856083 2c123745 2b587623

Chapel of Our Lady
3a450932 3b895634 3c658709 3d498325 3e347683 6a236584

Nave and Apse
7a287345 7b98342 7c78064 12h67548 12g68712
12c76843 12k38752 12j98345 12f43215 12a43567
12e54906 12d68905 12m84762

Left Aisle
LAc64783 LAd43686 PICT0116 LAb57897 LAe45678 LAa32478
5c123456 5a342376 5b490673 5d789453 5e479734

Right Aisle
RAb58374 RAc78934 RAa43576

MONSa763 MONSb573 MONSg286 MONSh853
MONSe589 MONSf623b MONsc534 MONSd578

San Benedetto in Piscinula is an early 12th century church, heavily restored, in the rione Trastevere, just south of the south end of the Ponte Cestio. The dedication is to St Benedict of Nursia. Piscinula seems to refer to a small pond or pool.

For reference, a plan of the church is available here.


The wall structure and some capitals of the church reveal the existence of an oratory dating back to the 8th century. The first documented records date back to 1192. A narthex was added in the late 13th century, and the Chapel of Our Lady was set up next to the alleged cell of St Benedict.

In 1412 the roof was replaced. In the 16th century the apse was frescoed, and in 1678 a new façade was built. A new altar dedicated to St Anselm was provided in 1718. In 1728 the church was reconsecrated after the roof apparently failed and had to be repaired.

In 1844 a thorough restoraion project was carried through under the supervision of Pietro Camporese the Younger, who provided an entirely new Neo-Classic façade.

Unfortunately the church fell into disrepair during the second half of the 20th century and was targeted by vandals and thieves. In 2003 the church was granted to the Heralds of the Gospel, a new Brazilian religious order which has carried out another thorough, badly needed restoration.

Related Links: Roman Churches Wiki
Church web site
"Heralds of the Gospel" website

Location: 41° 54' 13"N 12° 29' 1"E

Detailed information and description

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Copyright Skip Conde 2012-2023