Petronilla Paolini-Massimi was born in Marsica on
December 24, 1663, the offspring of a distinguished family.
She was the Marquess of Ortona and Careto.
In addition, she was the wife of Marquis Francesco Massimi,
a Roman patrician and the Commander of the Papal armed forces
at Hadrian’s Mole [Castel Sant'Angelo] and at Ferrara.
She was possessed of a natural talent
and acumen for poetry and other virtues.
As a man is conspicuous for his bravery in arms throughout
Europe, she was a most learned woman renowned in the
records of the most illustrious academies.
She lived and will forever live a most beloved mother.
She died on March 3, 1726.

Therefore, her most devoted sons, the Marquis Angelo
and Emilio, have dutifully set up this tombstone.

Translation by Michael Lynch