San Giovanni in Laterano

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Capella Corsini
The altar is adorned with two columns of verde antique with gilt capitals, other precious marbles, and a rich frieze of gilt bronze. Over the altar, within a cornice of yellow alabaster, is the full length portrait of St. Andrew Corsini in mosaic, copied from the original by Guido Reni which is preserved in the Barberini palace. The two statues of Innocence and Penitence, on the little pediment over the altar, are by Bartolomeo Pincellotti (1740); and the marble bas-relief above them, representing the Battle of Anghiari, won by the Florentines over Niccolò Piccinino, through the supposed intercession of St. Andrea Corsini, is by Agostino Cornacchini.

(Another photo of the altarpiece here)
Related links:  Guido Reni (1575-1642)
Agostino Cornacchini (1686-1754)
Battle of Anghiari

(Photo borrowed from internet)