San Luigi dei Francesi

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Chapel of St. Remingius
The second chapel on the right, which was commissioned in 1548 by Nicolas Dupré de Passy, private secretary to King Henry II, is dedicated to St. Remigius, Bishop of Reims, who converted and baptized Clovis, King of the Franks, in 496. According to tradition, Clovis vowed, during the Battle of Tolbiac, to be baptized in the faith of his wife Clotilde if he had won the battle. The chapel was painted between 1547 and 1564.
(Plan location #12)
Related links:  Saint Remigius (c.437-533)
Clovis I (c.466-511)
Clotilde (475-545)
Battle of Tolbiac

(Photo borrowed from internet)
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