Santa Maria del Popolo

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Left Aisle and Monuments
The monument of Giovanni Battista Robiano, a nobleman from Antwerp, is located on the pillar right outside the Cybo-Soderini Chapel. Robiano died at the age of 32 in 1585. The funeral monument is probably the work of a Flemish sculptor, Niccolò Pippi d'Arras (Nicolas Mostaert). The late Renaissance aedicula was built of colored marbles. It is supported by two smallish corbels and crowned with a broken pediment. The round central niche with the bust of the deceased is flanked by fluted pilasters. The lower part is decorated with the Robiano coat-of-arms.

The memorial of Geronimo de Borgne, a priest from the Diocese of Cambrai who held the positions of cubicularius, scutifer and scriptor in the Roman Curia, is another Renaissance monument on the same pillar. He died in 1589 at the age of 75 years. It is composed of a single plaque of inscription set in a colored marble aedicula which is crowned by an arched pediment. The only sculpted parts are the upper frieze with the finely carved head of a winged cherub and a folded drapery in low relief between the giallo antico corbels of the lower part.

Related links:  Nicolas Mostaert (1578-1604)

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