Chiesa di Santa Maria di Loreto al Foro Traiano

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Chapel of the Crucifix
The second chapel on the left hand side is dedicated to the Crucifixion, and was fitted out in 1641. It has a large 16th wooden crucifix, set in a very interesting 18th century frame which incorporates eight reliquaries. The stucco work survives from the 17th century, but the frescoes are by Cesare Mariani from 1870 to 1874. On the pilaster to the right are St. Longinus and St. Veronica, and to the left are St. Helen and St. Joseph of Arimathea. The large flanking frescoes are St. John the Evangelist and St. Mary Magdalen. The vault has three panels showing The Resurrection, Christ at Gethsemane and The Women at the Empty Tomb. On the altar is a small devotional photo of St. Padre Pio.
(Plan location #10)