Santa Prassede all'Esquilino

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Nave Wall Frescoes
The cycle was created by the will of Cardinal Alessandro de 'Medici between 1594 and 1596 and represents stories of passion. The cycle is an example of counter-reformist painting, it aims to bring the faithful back to the initial values of faith. Fresco cycle will be described counter-clockwise from the first bay left of the sanctuary.

1st bay on the left
DSC0536 DSC0539 DSC0541 DSC0542 DSC0543

2rd bay on the left
DSC0530 DSC0532 DSC0533 DSC0534 DSC0535

3rd bay on the left
DSC0523 DSC0525 DSC0526 DSC0528 DSC0529

4tht bay on the left
DSC0515 DSC0516 DSC0518 DSC0519 DSC0520

DSC0511 DSC0512 3Fb56482 DSC0513

4th bay on the right
DSC0594 DSC0597 DSC0599 DSC0600

3rd bay on the right
DSC0584 DSC0585 DSC0590 DSC0591 DSC0592

2nd bay on the right
DSC0579 DSC0578 DSC0580 DSC0581 DSC0583

1st bay on the right
DSC0570 DSC0571 DSC0572 DSC0573 DSC0574