Santi Giovanni e Paolo al Celio

(Click on any photo to see a larger version)

Right side aisle and altars

DSC_6732 DSC_6734 ARa23465 DSC_6713

Chapel of St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
13a67867 13c67547 13b98056 DSC_6810 DSC_6816
DSC_6813 DSC_6815 DSC_6814 DSC_6811 DSC_6809

Funeral memorial to Cardinal Lorenzo Litta
DSC_6760 DSC_6761

Chapel of St Paul of the Cross
15h89065 15f42398 DSC_6791 DSC_6792 DSC_6783 15a43546
DSC_6785 DSC_6786 15l98765 DSC_6789 DSC_6794 DSC_6793
DSC_6790 DSC_6787 15k70853 15e57689 DSC_6795 15i62156
DSC_6796 DSC_6799 DSC_6804 DSC_6805 DSC_6797 15m65478

Altar of St Pammachius
16a46352 DSC_6775

Altar of St Saturninus
DSC_6767 DSC_6769

Funeral monuments in sacristy vestibule
19Ab7869 19Aa7645 DSC_6741 DSC_6740
10Ba3574 DSC_6738
DSC_6749 DSC_6751

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