Santa Maria in Aracoeli

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Cappella di San Francisco Solano
(former Cappell dell'Immacolata)
In the right Lunette: Adoration of the Virgin
She stands in the center (behind the tassel of the censor), in front of a doorway. Immediately above her God the Father again appears in the heavens, holding an inscription describing her sinless state. Below this heavenly scene on a terrace in front of the building two groups of figures stand on either side, adoring the Virgin. Those on her right probably represent Old Testament figures, led by David. The composition of the left-hand group would seem to indicate a Council - a pope and an emperor with an entourage of bishops. Several other figures, men and women, young and old, who have come to worship the Virgin, stand in the foreground on either side. Thus in this fresco Mary is venerated both as the Mother of God and as Immacolata.

(Photo borrowed from internet)
© deAlvariis