Santa Maria del Popolo

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Cappella Mellini
The tomb of Cardinal Savio Millini, the Bishop of Nepi and Sutri (d. 1701) on the right hand wall was made by Pierre-Etienne Monnot. The architectural frame of the 18th century tomb was partly reused. Two small reliefs with the personifications of the Virtues and the cardinal's insignia on the side pilasters belong to that period. The bust is placed in a deep rectangular niche which is clad with black and yellow slabs. The monument is crowned by a broken segmental pediment with the cardinal's colored coat-of-arms. The very long funerary inscription mentions the fact that Cardinal Savio has served as papal nuncio in Spain for ten years, and later he was the cardinal priest of the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo. According to the inscription his tomb was erected in 1699 (i. e. during his lifetime). Two marble busts on the ledge portray Savio's deceased brothers, Pietro (d. 1694) and Paolo Antonio Mellini (d. 1683).

Related links:  Pierre-Etienne Monnot (1657-1733)

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