San Silvestro in Capite

(Click on any photo to see a larger version)

Left side chapels

Chapel of the Crucifixion
DSC_2408 DSC_2447 DSC_2455 DSC_2456 DSC_2459
DSC_2471 DSC_2465 DSC_2471a

Chapel of Holy Family
DSC_2411 13a75645 DSC_2485 DSC_2494 DSC_2504
DSC_2507 DSC_2510 DSC_2489

Chapel of the Immaculate Conception
DSC_2421 12b64587 DSC_2521 12a54785 DSC_2525
DSC_2528 DSC_2539 DSC_2531 DSC_2534 DSC_2524

Left transept chapel
10a61223 DSC_2567 DSC_2567a DSC_2576 DSC_2582 DSC_2585
DSC_2594 DSC_2590 DSC_2570 DSC_2573 DSC_2606 DSC_2597

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