Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio

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The Martyrs Denis of Paris, Domitilla, Nereo and Achilleo
The seventh fresco. Denis is seen in the foreground (A). Behind, Nereo and Achilleo are beheaded (C) and the house in which Domitilla and other martyrs are imprisoned is set on fire (B). The special thing here is that the person who commissioned the paintings has been portrayed! At the front right of the picture, a gentleman with a dark beard and green cloak is seen, who is believed to be the Collegiet's leader Michele Lauretano. Above the fresco is the text "Condemnat. iustus. mor tuus vivos impios. Sap. III." ("The righteous who died shall judge the wicked who live..." Book of Wisdom 4,16).

Related links:  Denis of Paris (3rd cent.)
Nereus and Achilleus