Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio

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The Martyrdom of Agapito, Cristina, Colomba, Crisanto and Daria
The twenty-second fresco. In the center Agapito is suspended head downwards over a smoking pyre (A). In the background on the right Cristina is hit by an arrow (B), on the left Colomba is burned (C) and in the middle Daria and Crisanto are buried alive (D). The text above reads "Properavit. educere illum de medio iniquitatum. Sap.III" (Book of Wisdom 4,14: "for his soul was pleased with the Lord, therefore it hastened away from the evil world.").

Related links:  Saint Agapito (3rd cent.)
Christina of Bolsena (3rd cent.)
Chrysanthus and Daria (3rd cent.)