Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio

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The Martyrs Erasmo, Biagio, Barbara, Eustrazio and the destruction of a city in Phrygia
The twenty-fourth fresco. Erasmo lies in a vessel into which molten lead is poured (A), and Biagio, tied to a tree, is subjected to torture in left side (B). In the middle, some martyrs are burned, while others - including Eustrazio - lie dead on the ground (D) and Barbara is burned to the left (C). Above is the Phrygian city set on fire (E). The text above the fresco quotes a fragment of a hymn and says "Secundum. multitudinem. dolorum. consolationes. tuae laetificaverunt".

Related links:  Erasmus of Formia (4th cent.)
Saint Biagio [Blaise] (4th cent.)
Saint Barbara (4th cent.)