Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio

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St Catherine, the converted philosophers, Faustina, a group of soldiers, and Pope Marcellus
The twenty-eighth fresco. In the middle, Catherine is seen between two wheels (A) and a group of philosophers whom she has converted to Christianity and who are now burned together with other martyrs (B). On the right side you see Faustina, Porfirio and a group of soldiers who have been killed (C). On the left, Pope Marcellus kneels in prayer (D). Above the fresco is written "Fortitudo. et decor. indumen tum. eius. Prover.31" ("She is clothed in strength and dignity.." Book of Proverbs 31, 25).

Related links:  Catherine of Alexandria (4th cent.)
Marcellus I (4th cent.)